Relatively speaking, this is much more convenient than migrating the ball population.


This plan is still in the research stage, and if it is determined to be feasible and the base energy can withstand it, it will be implemented with a high probability.
There is a theoretical basis for Cooper to come up with this idea. He has probably read the paper published in the Planetary Migration Plan when he was wandering.
Although this is quite creative and not impossible, Zhang Tianyuan shook his head. "It’s too dangerous."
"Although the earth’s orbit is not always the same, human changes may be implicated in other changes in the sun."
For example, if the gravitational field changes, maybe a solar meteorite will be attracted by the changing gravity of the earth when the snow country changes?
You can’t say for sure about this kind of thing.
"And for the earth, a rash increase in the energy lost by the sun may actually destroy the atmosphere …" Liu Chunshi also expressed his opinion.
Finch time is the most typical example.
Don’t harm the earth’s atmosphere, it will be gone by then.
Zhang Tianyuan pointed out another point by the way.
"The most important thing is that the planetary migration plan is based on the situation on the 3 rd. When many scenarios follow the number, the current demand is that these differences cannot be completed in three days, let alone executed in three days."
Cooper scratched his head and quickly turned his hair into a chicken nest. "It seems that this is the case. The planetary migration plan never intended to bring the earth closer to the sun."
It was only at this time that he realized that the situation looked similar two times, but the fact was that it was the opposite and he couldn’t get in.
The planetary migration plan has never considered which orbit to switch to so that the earth can accept the sun’s father’s ardent love more.
Those scientists want the earth to be as far away from the sun as possible, preferably several light years away …
"But although the planet migration plan doesn’t work, it doesn’t mean that another’ planet’ can’t work …" Zhang Tianyuan suddenly pointed to the top of his head
They were both stunned, and then they followed, only to see a steel ceiling.
Suddenly Liu Chunshi’s heart moved as if Bai Tianyuan had said something.
"Planetary engine? !”
Cooper also follow shine at the moment.
"Planetary engine! ! !”
When two people get excited.
It takes a lot of energy to heat the atmosphere, that is, to have a strong enough heat source.
And isn’t the planetary engine a ready-made and powerful heat source?
Zhang Tianyuan said, "Every time the planetary engine is running, it ejects a great amount of heat in vitro. Even the 60-degree area around the planetary engine creates a heat-generating area where even the rain is boiled water …"
Isn’t this just heating the atmosphere!
Liu Chunshi and Cooper both nodded at each other and said, "This method is feasible!"
Chapter 377 Snow Country Train Launch
"Good news! According to satellite monitoring, the atmospheric temperature has dropped significantly several hours after the launch of CW-7, which will be a good start and the problem of global warming is likely to be completely solved … "
"… according to scientists’ prediction, the earth’s temperature will return to the best level one day. CW-7 is the greatest hair in human history …"
"The president of Soros Group publicly stated that CW-7 can be used in interstellar colonization, and humans can regularly put this coolant to cool some high-temperature planets to achieve a suitable living environment for human beings … This means of planet transformation will create a new history for human beings …"
Snow country time
The cooling of the atmosphere can’t be concealed from other mutual aid meetings, let alone from local countries.
The news of the cooling phase is that horses fill the ball, and most people can see a hymn.
Several scientists cheered the achievements of CW-7 and began to imagine the future.
The crew responsible for launching CW-7 came to a live broadcast of the most popular program that night to greet them. They were the host and the audience praised them with flowers.
But behind the glamour and noise
There are also many people who are worried about this extremely rapid cooling, and many radicals even believe that a terrorist disaster is coming.
"The launch of CW-7 is a conspiracy of developed countries to participate in this plan. 79 countries include all developed countries and their loyal followers!"
"regardless of the opposition of most developing countries and various organizations, they forced their own land to release this refrigerant that would have a huge impact on the ball. Once a bad accident occurs, the consequences will be human!"
These sounds are not small, but some people deliberately follow these non-mainstream news roots to enter most people’s eyes
Most of the objections are like a drop in the ocean, which is drowned by a lot of "praise" and disappears like a bubble in the glitz.
The old man was on a private jet to the car, next to his child, and he was holding a flat surface in his hand, which was a piece of news about CW-7.
After watching the news, he handed the tablet to the housekeeper who had been hesitant and asked him, "What’s the opposite trend?"
Middle-aged housekeeper bowed his head. "They haven’t found our eyes and don’t know the real effect of CW-7."
The old man closed his eyes slightly.
"That is to hesitate and wait and see. This is our chance. The CW-7 effect is beyond everyone’s imagination. Will they react?"
Thought of here, the old man couldn’t help but open his mouth to reveal a row of exquisite china white teeth and laughed happily.
He didn’t expect them to find such an incredible substance as CW-7.

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