"Well, I’m not too embarrassed to hear you say that. I’m not that important. It’s all guided by the rich," said Grandpa Shan Shan.


"Don’t be too modest, it’s hypocrisy. Now it’s time for you to summon up your courage and do your part!" Fang Ning urged "do you remember? Have you ever hosted the secret realm of blood river? Isn’t it good to do it in Xiaotiandao? "
"What do you mean?" When you hear it, you don’t think it’s right. It’s not enough to host a host together, but you have to crush the whole world on it again?
"You see, the historical development of human culture has become more and more organized with the high degree of literature, such as from tribal system to military aristocracy, from enfeoffment system to county system, from imperial countryside to vertical management …" Fang Ning earnestly persuaded.
"So what? They can also do this. "The big ye wondered.
"I mean, the same is true of the development of heaven and earth. From consciousness to consciousness, it is the first step, from letting creatures freely wave into directional development; From entrusting the management of the holy man to the personal management of heaven and earth, we directly evolved to the last layer of unified trusteeship, "Fang Ning said triumphantly."
"It’s interesting …" The big ye was moved. "It turned out that I was really so big."
"Yes, yes, I want you to take the initiative to take care of heaven and earth, and they will never copy it," Fang Ning bewitched.
"Well, it’s very tiring. You have to give me something real." Grandpa suddenly said.
"Dog, before you changed, you never talked about conditions, but you enjoyed them before suffering," Fang Ning said bitterly.
"That’s because I was too simple before. Didn’t I learn from you?" The big ye plausibly way
"Well, after the world output, you take 60% and I take 40%." Fang Ning gritted his teeth
"No, I want shares".
"It’s impossible to let you have half of the shares. What do you want?" Fang Ning repeatedly shook his head. "Besides, it’s also hello for me. If you don’t do this, you’ll be taken by a saint. Don’t you want to learn that those stupid guys at the end of history would rather fight with each other and die than unite to fight off foreign enemies and divide the cake? How long did it take for the Southern Song Dynasty to resist when the Song Dynasty was so weak? "
"Alas, why can’t I always say that I can’t beat you …" Grandpa said bitterly, "That’s it. I barely learn to manage this world from the overall situation, but this world is not the same as the previous secret land, and the secret land and the small heaven are not the same as the complexity of this whole world."
"Don’t worry, I will definitely train you well. Come to me if you have any questions." Fang Ning quickly encouraged this guy to drag the pit again, but he can’t let it crawl.
"That’s more like it, but what do you think I will do first after hosting?" Uncle ignorant way
"Well, you didn’t ask this question when you entrusted me before," Fang Ning wondered
"When you were poor, nothing could be worse than what I did." Grandpa plausibly said, "Now the world has a certain foundation, so I can’t just fiddle with it."
"Did you just mess with me at the beginning?" Fang Ning finally unearthed the historical truth.
"Don’t answer my present question first."
"Let me think," Fang Ning Nai said. "Let me continue to investigate and see what the world lacks."
Fang Ning continued to travel around the world after making a decision.
This time it is not limited to human society.
Since the uncle is in charge, he has to see more places.
He has seen the natural world, the sky and the ocean one by one, and he will soon know what he is doing.
A month later.
"Well, the first thing you have to do is to cultivate an opponent for human beings first," Fang Ning said seriously
"Come and play so big?" The big ye surprised way
"Of course, people’s pressure is light, and it will consume us. Since we are creationists, we can’t limit ourselves to the position of human beings but the position of heaven and earth." Fang Ning naturally tunnel.
"Well, that makes sense, but which opponent is better?" Uncle wondered
"It’s not simple. Don’t you still digitize the earth? Get it out of the octopus clan. Look at me. How thoughtful you are? Even the template is saved. "Fang Ning said plausibly.
"the richest man in Britain"
Moment around Kyushu to the ocean is more than a group of "Kaka" called octopus.
"Hey, the sea seems a little salty today …" A small octopus wondered.
"Don’t you find that the big moon cake is gone?" Another old octopus despise way
"Where is our king?" The little octopus continued
"This you wait for us to unite" The old octopus emits line waves.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and fifty He is desirable.
After receiving the information from the subjects, it took some time for the Twelve Claws to finally wave all the way.

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